Mixer x8 Mono
Detailed: LSP Mixer x8 Mono (M8M)
Categories: Mixer
Developer: Vladimir Sadovnikov
This plugin performs mixing of 8 stereo channels.
It allows to mix the channels and apply the result mix to the additional master input. All the mixed result signal is passed to the and master output.
Main controls:
- Bypass - bypass switch, when turned on (led indicator is shining), the output signal is similar to input signal. That does not mean that the plugin is not working.
- Dry amount - the amount of the unprocessed (dry) signal in the output signal.
- Wet amount - the amount of the processed (wet) signal in the output signal.
- Balance - the balance between left and right output channels in the mix.
- Mono - the button that allows to switch the output signal to mono for mono compatibility test purpose.
- In - the level of the master input signal.
- Out - the level of the master output signal.
Mixer channel controls:
- S - solo the channel.
- M - mute the channel.
- P - invert the phase for the channel.
- Pan - the panning knobs for both left and right channels of the stereo channel.
- Balance - the balance between left and right channels of the stereo channel.
- Fader - the overall output gain adjustment for the channel.
- Meter - the overall output gain meter for the channel.